It’s Alabama’s first conviction of manslaughter while texting and driving: Jonathan Raynes, 23, will serve two years in prison followed by eight years of probation for a car accident killing 24-year-old Miranda Hamilton. Raynes, who momentarily took his eyes off the road, swerved into oncoming traffic in an attempt to avoid hitting a [...]
Brian Debelle
Multitasking can make a person more productive in almost every aspect of their life, with one notable exception: driving. From texting (even with Siri) to answering emotional phone calls, eating behind the wheel or simply lost in thought, distracted driving is a risky habit. Combine dangerous driving habits with congested roads and some [...]
Brian Debelle
Distracted driving can take on many forms: texting, phone calls, applying makeup, talking to someone else in the car, changing music, or even daydreaming. Although not exclusively prohibited by law in any state, eating while driving is another serious, yet regular distraction that many people fail to consider when thinking of distracted [...]
Brian Debelle
When thinking about distracted driving, one’s mind generally gravitates towards motor vehicle accidents. Assuming that distracted driving stops with cars, trucks, and motorcycles however would be a mistake. The same distractions that affect drivers on the road today also hinder pilots in the sky. Federal Aviation Administration rules [...]
Brian Debelle
When thinking of distracted driving, one’s mind generally jumps to texting, talking on the phone, taking pictures, eating, or even applying make-up. However a new type of distraction has manifested itself in our everyday lives – catching Pokemon. Pokemon Go, released on July 6, 2016, has already reached an estimated 75 million downloads [...]
Brian Debelle
As a part of Distracted Driving Awareness Month, West Virginia truck drivers are calling for motorists to exercise more caution on roads. In cooperation with the American Trucking Association and its Share the Road highway safety program, the West Virginia Trucking Association is working to warn society of the inherent dangers associated [...]
Brian Debelle
The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute has conducted a naturalistic driving study in which researches track the real-time actions of drivers by equipping vehicles with sensors, radars, and cameras with the goal of learning what specific distracted driving behaviors and actions are the most dangerous and result in the most number of [...]
Kiernan Hopkins
The National Safety Council has conducted a study that concludes that more then a quarter of all automobile collisions in the United States are the result of inattentive driving while using a cell phone. This National Safety Council study also estimates that 21 percent of all auto collisions in 2013 (1.2 million out of 5.7 million) were [...]
Kiernan Hopkins
Last year, Maryland law makers passed a bill aimed at deterring drivers from using their cell phones by increasing the penalty for accidents caused by distracted driving. The law was inspired by five year old Jake Owen who died in 2011 while playing a video game in the back seat of his family car when […]
Brian Debelle
Did you know that car crashes are the number one youth killer in the United States, with 390,000+ Americans injured or killed in distracted driving accidents each year? To raise awareness of this critical issue, the Chaffin Luhana Foundation is teaming up with five-time Paralympic medalist Stephani Victor to launch the Foundation’s first [...]
Kiernan Hopkins