April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, with the emphasis of the bulk of the campaign from April 4th to April 13th. In the campaign’s effort to recognize the dangers and reduce the number of preventable deaths, it is important to understand your part in preventing distracted driving. To better understand the scope of [...]
By 2016, the dangers of distracted driving have been well quantified. Texting while driving takes your eyes off the road for an average of five seconds while also increasing your risk of crash by 23 times. Especially for younger generations of drivers, this can have disastrous results, with drivers in their 20s accounting for 38% [...]
Brian Debelle
Breaking Bar is a wireless, self-calibrating, brake light that easily attaches to the back window of the car. The technology used to create the Braking Bar is also used by luxury car manufactures like Mercedes, Cadillac, Volvo, and BMW use in their new automobiles to help keep their automobile occupants safe. The Braking Bar creators [...]
Kiernan Hopkins
The Virginia Tech Transportation Institute has conducted a naturalistic driving study in which researches track the real-time actions of drivers by equipping vehicles with sensors, radars, and cameras with the goal of learning what specific distracted driving behaviors and actions are the most dangerous and result in the most number of [...]
Kiernan Hopkins
The National Safety Council has conducted a study that concludes that more then a quarter of all automobile collisions in the United States are the result of inattentive driving while using a cell phone. This National Safety Council study also estimates that 21 percent of all auto collisions in 2013 (1.2 million out of 5.7 million) were [...]
Kiernan Hopkins
Last year, Maryland law makers passed a bill aimed at deterring drivers from using their cell phones by increasing the penalty for accidents caused by distracted driving. The law was inspired by five year old Jake Owen who died in 2011 while playing a video game in the back seat of his family car when […]
Brian Debelle
It has been almost one full year since a school bus driver in Tennessee, James Davenport, was texting while driving when he swerved onto the other side of the highway and crashed into a second school bus. The school bus that James Davenport was operating was occupied by numerous children that he was responsible for […]
Kiernan Hopkins
Came across this quiz on the Chaffin Luhana, LLP Pittsburgh, PA personal injury law firm website. I like searching the web while looking for different distracted driving related quizzes and testing my knowledge out on them. Usually each quiz has pretty similar questions with the same type answers which is good that people are trying [...]
Kiernan Hopkins