Every day, over 1,000 people are injured and 9 people are killed in car crashes involving a distracted driver. Distracted driving can be caused by visual, manual, or cognitive distractions, all of which make driving dangerous not only for the driver but also for others on the road. Recognizing the risks of distracted driving and [...]
Sabrina Liberto
When it comes to driving, there is always a risk. In fact, more than 5.8 million vehicle crashes occur each year, according to the U.S. Department of Transportation. Among those car accidents, 21% were from weather hazard-related incidents. Whether you are in a car accident in extreme weather or otherwise, your emotional, physical, and [...]
Karen Schraeder
The world is changing rapidly in the fast lane of automotive technology. Innovations are hurtling us towards a future where driving isn’t just slick and efficient, but downright safer than ever before. Cutting-edge features take the wheel, redefining how cars traverse the roads and prevent the heart-stopping moments before a crash. [...]
Veronica Gordon
For many, summertime means vacation and traveling to various places on their bucket list. While guidelines around the pandemic may affect travel plans this summer, driving safety is always something to keep top of mind no matter the reason or season. Summer weather brings different challenges and conditions to consider when hitting the [...]
Car accidents can happen during any time of the year, however, weather conditions during the winter can make roads more dangerous for drivers. It’s important to recognize the risks we face when driving during the winter, and what actions we can take to avoid an accident. Weather Conditions During the winter months, snow and ice […]
Mariela Corella
A flat tire, a broken windshield, leaving your keys inside your car, no one expects for any of these roadside emergencies to happen, and when they do, most of us are unprepared or unaware of what actions to take. A little preparation before hitting the road could make a dramatic difference in managing these situations. […]
Mariela Corella
Bicycling is a great transportation method, you can increase your cardiovascular fitness, improve posture and coordination, less traffic compared to driving, and it’s more eco-friendly. By law, bicycles on the roadway have the same rights and responsibilities as motorized vehicles, however, many bicyclists and car drivers do not consider [...]
Mariela Corella
In the United States, distracted driving is one of the leading causes of car accidents. Approximately, nine people are killed every day in a distracted driving accident. In 2018 2,841 people were killed in motor vehicle crashes involving distracted drivers. It’s safe to say, distracted driving is a serious problem among drivers, [...]
Do you ever wonder why people say ‘multitasking’ is a positive strength to put on a resume? The reality is that multitasking is actually not a strength- it drains the brain of energy as it forces it to switch back and forth to complete tasks with less efficiency and less quality. Many drivers think they […]
Brian Debelle
Big rig trucks are some of the biggest vehicles on the road. Apart from over sized vehicles, eighteen wheelers are the largest vehicles around. However, just because our sedans, SUVs and pickups have to share the road with them, doesn’t mean that we should have the same rules as we do with other cars. When […]