Head-on collisions involving trucks can cause catastrophic or lethal injuries, result in substantial destruction of property, and pose a significant challenge to safely clean up. Although a head-on wreck can occur at any time of day, driving at night can pose unique challenges that make a collision more likely. If you or a loved one [...]
It’s an unfortunate fact that a majority of U.S. drivers will get into at least one car accident at some point in their life. A 2020 study revealed that 77% of drivers had experienced at least one crash. Although driving cautiously and obeying the rules of the road can substantially decrease your odds of getting […]
Whether you’re running a quick errand or need to grab something from your house while your car idles in the driveway, it can be tempting to leave your child in the car for a minute or two while you go about your business. At first thought, this may seem entirely reasonable if the car is […]
When you get into your car, you probably don’t take the time to wonder whether your vehicle has any design flaws or shortcomings that could put you or other drivers in danger. However, countless car manufacturers have been plagued with vehicle-related problems, from defective seat belts to ineffective airbags. A 2016 NBC News story [...]
Even the most minor of fender bender accidents can be stressful for everyone involved in the crash. However, few things are as terrifying as getting into a multi-car pileup, especially when all the vehicles involved were traveling at high speeds. Multi-car accidents can cause serious physical injuries, substantial property damage, and [...]
Over the years, the state of Texas has become known for its considerable size, historic attractions such as the Alamo, and the resilient nature of its residents. With an estimated population of 29,945,493 in 2022, Texas is the second-most populous state in the country. Given the considerable size of the state’s population, it is [...]
Cars are an essential component of the daily life of many people living in the United States. With cities becoming constantly larger and more difficult to navigate on foot or bicycle, people rely on cars to get to work, shop for essentials, and accomplish day-to-day tasks. With an increasing number of drivers on the road […]
In 2020, 181 people died in alcohol-related car accidents in the state of Arizona. In total, there were 4,506 alcohol-related crashes in the state throughout the year, resulting in thousands of injuries and more than a billion dollars of property damage. Drunk drivers are oftentimes unable to moderate their vehicle’s speed and [...]