Employees who drive for work are covered under workers’ compensation benefits. This insurance is especially important for these workers, because being behind the wheel of a motor vehicle is a risk. Not only will an injury be painful, but it could render an employee unable to continue driving for work, leaving them without an income. [...]
One of many sleek new features that Teslas boast is a large, single touchscreen panel that replaces the dashboard. This touchscreen acts as not only the dashboard screen that you’ll find in many new cars, but also holds all of the physical buttons you would normally find on the dash. This includes controls for heating […]
April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month, which is a time to spread knowledge and awareness about the dangers of distracted driving. Distracted driving refers to any type of stimulus that takes your eyes off the road. Any action that prevents a driver from focusing fully on the road is extremely dangerous, and these distractions lead [...]
As Daytona Beach, Florida wrapped up their annual Bike Week last weekend, they were left with a 6th and final motorcycle fatality that week. Last year during Bike Week 2021, there were also 6 motorcycle related deaths related to the event. While it makes sense that there would be some fatalities during the world’s largest […]
Getting into a car accident is no fun. What makes it even more frustrating is if the other driver was at fault due to a distraction. Everyone would like to believe that other drivers on the road are paying attention, but that isn’t always the case. Unfortunately, distracted driving is extremely hard to prove. Common […]
When you think of distracted driving and potential causes for a car accident, you may think of cell phone use. However, there are plenty of other behaviors that you can do while driving that decrease your safety. According to Safer America, every day an average of 9 people are killed and more than 1,000 are […]