In no-fault insurance states, PIP coverage is put into place to help provide immediate compensation for common damages a policyholder may face. This commonly includes: Medical expenses. PIP coverage will cover all vital healthcare costs for a policyholder, such as hospitalization, surgical procedures, prescribed medications, and [...]
It’s an unfortunate fact that a majority of U.S. drivers will get into at least one car accident at some point in their life. A 2020 study revealed that 77% of drivers had experienced at least one crash. Although driving cautiously and obeying the rules of the road can substantially decrease your odds of getting […]
Distracted driving can lead to devastating car accidents where car fires can occur. Whether it’s a fuel leak, electrical issues, or sparks from metal-on-metal contact, car fires can happen. Although it is a rare occurrence, these occurrences can leave life-long effects on victims. This article from the Green Law Firm discusses how [...]
You just got into a car accident on your lovely trip abroad. What do you do now? Is it the same as getting into an accident in America? Ultimately, you are in an unfamiliar environment and that can be scary, but knowing how to navigate this situation can be crucial for your safety and well-being. […]
California, with its breathtaking landscapes, iconic cities, and diverse attractions, has long been a magnet for tourists from around the world. As this popularity continues to surge, it’s crucial to examine the lesser-discussed effects of tourism, particularly its impact on road safety and car accidents. Beyond its beautiful [...]
Proving that another driver was distracted at the time of an accident can be challenging but not impossible. Unfortunately, distracted driving comes in many forms and is a significant cause of accidents. Today, some of the most common forms include behaviors such as texting, talking on the phone, eating, grooming, or engaging with [...]
Jackson Sawa
As a truck driver, being involved in a collision can be a stressful and overwhelming experience. It’s important to know what to do in the event of an accident to ensure the safety of all parties involved, and to protect yourself from potential legal and financial consequences if the accident was out of your control. […]
Being aware of the immediate damages to your body after a car accident is a given, but the frequent inevitability of delayed car accident injuries come to many car accident victims as a surprise. The truth is, an onset of injuries weeks, even months, after a collision is possible. Many of these, however, are often […]
Pedestrian safety is a top priority for cities, communities, and towns all across the country. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, pedestrian accidents caused 7,000 deaths in 2020. In order to uphold pedestrian safety, both drivers and pedestrians need to be aware of the risks. A recent report published by Stone [...]
While car accidents are unfortunately common, the feelings they elicit are anything but. Car accidents are a traumatic experience for anyone involved, and they can lead to a range of physical, emotional, and psychological consequences. Along with physical injuries, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is one of the more common [...]