Multitasking can make a person more productive in almost every aspect of their life, with one notable exception: driving. From texting (even with Siri) to answering emotional phone calls, eating behind the wheel or simply lost in thought, distracted driving is a risky habit. Combine dangerous driving habits with congested roads and some [...]
Brian Debelle
Distracted driving can take on many forms: texting, phone calls, applying makeup, talking to someone else in the car, changing music, or even daydreaming. Although not exclusively prohibited by law in any state, eating while driving is another serious, yet regular distraction that many people fail to consider when thinking of distracted [...]
Brian Debelle
When thinking about distracted driving, one’s mind generally gravitates towards motor vehicle accidents. Assuming that distracted driving stops with cars, trucks, and motorcycles however would be a mistake. The same distractions that affect drivers on the road today also hinder pilots in the sky. Federal Aviation Administration rules [...]
Brian Debelle
Three times the Texas government has attempted to pass a ban on texting and driving, and three times the measure has failed due to opposition from conservative Republicans in the State Senate. Those who have voted against the measure claim in part that it, “does not provide any additional protections to Texans and contains several [...]
Kiernan Hopkins
Texting and driving has become an ever-increasing problem on the roads today; in fact, there are 327.5 million active cell phone subscriptions in the U.S., which is more than one for every person in the country. This constant access to our phones has some drivers looking down when their eyes should be up on the […]
Kiernan Hopkins
When thinking of distracted driving, one’s mind generally jumps to texting, talking on the phone, taking pictures, eating, or even applying make-up. However a new type of distraction has manifested itself in our everyday lives – catching Pokemon. Pokemon Go, released on July 6, 2016, has already reached an estimated 75 million downloads [...]
Brian Debelle
How do you kill time on your daily commute? For many California motorists, listening to music, an audiobook, or the radio is the only way to stay sane on our state’s highways. But if you ride on a bicycle or motorcycle – or in a car without a working or adequate sound system – you […]
Brian Debelle
80% of vehicle crashes involve some form of distracted driving according to a study by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and Virginia Tech Transportation Institute (VTTI). While cell phone use gets a lot of attention for causing crashes, it isn’t the only dangerous distraction. There are three ways a person can [...]
Brian Debelle
By 2016, the dangers of distracted driving have been well quantified. Texting while driving takes your eyes off the road for an average of five seconds while also increasing your risk of crash by 23 times. Especially for younger generations of drivers, this can have disastrous results, with drivers in their 20s accounting for 38% [...]
Brian Debelle
Drinking and driving is well known as a dangerous offense in the eyes of the law. In 2014, 9,967 lives were claimed by drivers with a BAC of .08 and over, or 31 percent of all traffic related fatalities that year. However distracted driving can prove deadly as well. Also in 2014, an estimated 3,179 […]
Kiernan Hopkins