The world of smart phones has taken over this generation. Kids are getting them at a younger age, and the people are becoming more dependent on them. Just walking around crowded areas like the mall or sports venues, we have learned to be able to maneuver with our head down and both hands tied to […]
Kiernan Hopkins
The Nevada Highway Patrol reported that state troopers issued 11,992 traffic citations to drivers who were engaging in distracted driving cell phone behavior including talking without hands-free technology, texting, reading and all other non-voice-activated communication in 2012. Fortunately, statistics and numbers show that issuing such [...]
Kiernan Hopkins
The ones responding to distracted driving accidents might in fact be the ones causing them these days. According to reports and statistics, on average, a crash occurs about every other day as a result of an emergency vehicle operators driving distracted. In 2010, an officer rammed into the back of a taxi at speeds excessive […]
Kiernan Hopkins
Randall L. Stephenson, chairman and chief executive of AT&T, spoke to hundreds of representatives, executives and investors at a conference Wednesday in San Francisco. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss the state of the telecom business, but Stephenson instead began his speech with a request to raise awareness about distracted [...]
Kiernan Hopkins
As we all know, winter is the most dangerous season to be driving on the roads. Chances are if you don’t live in California, you will most likely be using those trusted snow chains at some point over the next couple months. This year states across the nation are bumping up awareness for the added danger […]
Kiernan Hopkins
A non-profit organization called the Distracted Driving Foundation has proposed the use of a technology that would, in essence, end technology-based distracted driving. The foundation was founded on the premise that mobile phone carriers should put technology in all phones that block display-incentive uses of moving phones held by [...]
Kiernan Hopkins
The dangers of texting and driving have taken our nation by storm, and the most prevalent of groups contributing to this outbreak are teenagers. Commonly known for inattentively walking around as their eyes are buried in their phones, teenagers have taken this obsession to the next level as they continue to keep their eyes locked [...]
Kiernan Hopkins
The U.S Department of Transportation is sending Sacramento $1.5 Million to combat distracted driving across the state. The funding is said to go specifically towards Public Service Announcements and for increased police enforcement of the use of cell phones while driving. California is currently one of the 39 states that ban texting [...]
Kiernan Hopkins
Distracted driving is any type of action that takes an individual’s attention away from the road and the act of driving. Distracted driving puts everyone on the road in danger. Some of the most common types of distracted driving include: texting and driving, eating while driving, grooming and driving, talking to passengers, cell [...]
Kiernan Hopkins
Students at Carrollwood Day School experienced firsthand the dangers of texting while driving. The results were what the instructors expected, with most of the students crashing the car during the video simulation. Thankfully it was only a simulation and no one was hurt. People in real life though are not as lucky. The National Highway [...]
Kiernan Hopkins